Friday, August 19, 2011

Quotes by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS)

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH):

The worst one of the people before Allah is the scholar who does not put his knowledge into practise and does not benefit from it
The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness
Pay respect to others and be humble to them because humbility and submassiveness adds to the value of a man
The one who has faith in Allah and Qayamat and the reward of faith should fulfil his comittment and promise
Whenever the children look at theri parents with loving eyes, it is like offering the prayers to Allah
It is out of a man's prosperity and bliss that he should have good and valueble friends
I am the city of knowledge, and Ali (AS) is its' gate

Imam Ali (AS):

Beware of Misers and evil, these are the poeple who do not fear Allah
By Allah, nobody except the faithful befriends me and nobody except the hypocrite becomes my enenmy
Get your provision from the world and the best provision is to avoid committing sins
No work is better to Allah than the prayers
When you are running awat from the world and death is approaching, there is no question of delay in the encounter
He who is abandoned by near ones is dear to remote ones
Meet people in such a manner that if you die they should weep for you and if you live they should long for you